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Cuerpos Irredentos. Bodies without Redemtion.




The body is a territory violated by forces that are alien to it.

His longing to be what others impose on him is reflected in his suffering wandering through the regions of doubt, dislocation, weakness and guilt.

In my pictorial series that go from 1999 to the present, not only my life experiences are expressed, but also the dialogue that I establish with my own body: physical, erotic and sensitive; as well as with my soul: rebellious, insecure, ardent.


Art does not always set out to reveal who we are and yet it is continually a reflection of what moves us: what attracts or provokes us, what conquers or loses us.


In order to paint I have had-necessarily-to love, hate, learn and err. I have erred many times, I have tasted the gall and I have spit it out in color. I have lived and that is why I paint. I am alive and therefore I think I will continue speaking from my painting. If you want to listen to me, see me, talk to me:

Come Enter You are welcome




El cuerpo es un territorio vulnerado por fuerzas que le son ajenas. Sus ansias de ser lo que otros le imponen se reflejan en su doliente divagar por las regiones de la duda, el desasosiego, la debilidad y la culpa.

En mis series pictóricas que van de 1999 al presente, se expresan no solo mis experiencias vitales, sino también el dialogo que entablo con mi propio cuerpo: físico, erótico y sensitivo; así como también con mi alma: rebelde, insegura, ardiente.


El arte no siempre se propone desvelar lo que somos y sin embargo es continuamente un reflejo de lo que nos mueve: de aquello que nos atrae o provoca, de lo que nos conquista o nos pierde. Para pintar he tenido -necesariamente- que amar, odiar, aprender y errar. He errado muchas veces, he probado la hiel y la he escupido en colores.


He vivido y por eso pinto.
Estoy vivo y por ello creo que seguiré hablando desde mi pintura.


Si quieres escucharme, verme, dialogar conmigo:

Ven Entra Eres bienvenid@


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